Amateur astronomers now have a new tool to help them find celestial wonders in the night sky. The Messier Observer's Planisphere is a sky chart that contains all 110 Messier objects and dozens of additional popular deep space objects in a format that is easy to use at the eyepiece. At 18 inches in diameter, it is the largest planisphere available, making it easy to read even with dark adapted vision. The colors used to print the planisphere are plainly visible both in daylight and more importantly, under a red flashlight. In addition to the circular star chart on the front of the planisphere, detailed locator charts are also included for several difficult Messier objects and for the Virgo galaxies, making these objects easy to locate and correctly identify in the telescope. The back is packed with reference information for each deep space object on the chart, as well as for the sun, moon, and planets, meteor showers, and the optimal order for the March Messier Marathon.
The Messier Oberver's Planisphere was created by an amateur astronomer and visual observer who is also a member of the Astronomical League. Check out the KickStarter campaign at the link below for more information.